Arriving at the center today (day 26)
I saw the new bright red,
white lettered sign that had been erected since last week -
"In a perfect world, every pregnancy should be an invited guest
in the woman’s body and a wanted potential addition to her family.
Unfortunately, our world - and practically everything we can think of - is
far from perfect...
The ultimate decision to get an abortion is a personal matter
and not an act of selfishness. It can be an act of caring about yourself and
about others."
You will find these words on the All Womens Center's (AWC) website
under the "counseling" section.
There is a mixed message here. I agree that our world is not
For years now, I have been pointing out that over 50% of women
who have abortions feel they have no choice. Therefore, those of us who oppose
abortion should not trivialize the circumstances many women are facing in an
unplanned pregnancy. Instead it should lead to a compassionate and practical
response by the Church.
Mathewes-Green identifies some of the reasons (difficult circumstances) why women
have abortions:
by their mother
father opposed (keeping the child)
persuaded by husband or boyfriend
no other option given
loss of family support
would have been kicked out
persuaded by the clinic
(Real Choices)
father opposed (keeping the child)
persuaded by husband or boyfriend
no other option given
loss of family support
would have been kicked out
persuaded by the clinic
(Real Choices)
is a complex issue for many women. AWC is right. It's not a "perfect"
world. But to then conclude that abortion is "not an act of
selfishness" but "can be an act of caring about yourself and about
others," is an oxymoron.
abortion unjustly takes the life of another human being. AWC comes close to
admitting that: "...every pregnancy should be an invited guest in the woman’s body
and a wanted potential addition to her family." (emphasis mine) The words "invited" and "wanted"
expose the deception upon which the pro-abortion argument is based. Since Roe
v. Wade, "choice" has given a mother license to kill her unborn child.
You cannot extend to a woman the right (choice) to kill her unborn
child, as the Court has done, without at the same time, denying her child the
right to live. As Randy Alcorn has written,
"To be prochoice about someone's right to kill is to be
anti choice about someone else's right to life....The prochoice position always
overlooks the victim's right to choose...And the babies don't choose
abortion." (Pro-Life Answers to
Pro-Choice Arguments)
Where is the "VOTE...JUSTICE" for the unborn in
The glaring inconsistency of the new bright red sign, once again
confirms the deception inherent in abortion. Jesus exposed the devil's
character and strategy when he said,
was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no
truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and
the father of lies." (John 8:44
fire department does not fight fires from the fire station. Doctors don't perform
life saving surgery from their homes. Police don't prevent crime sitting around
police headquarters.
Abortion is a gospel issue. 40
Days for Life, is an opportunity for the Church to proclaim life saving
truth and grace as it engages the spiritual forces behind abortion where the child killing
takes place, for, "...where sin
increased, grace abounded all the more."
challenge finds no better application than here.
that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after
orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by
the world." (James 1:27 NIV)
are no greater orphans than the unborn abandoned by their mother and father at
an abortion clinic and for the reasons noted above, many mothers having abortions are functionally widows.
in that same chapter James wrote,
not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
(James 1:22 NIV)
can find further information or register to join the prayer vigil, by going to
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