(This is the keynote address I gave at the annual fundraising banquet for the Pregnancy Helpline Center of Three Rivers Michigan on April 27, 2015. You can listen to the address with PowerPoint slides on The Church for Life YouTube Channel here.)
In the Spring of
2006, three years after leaving the pastorate, I accepted a position as the Director
of Development of Hope Women's Centers one of the nations largest CareNet
affiliates, where I worked for over two and a half years. At that time Hope was operating five
pregnancy resource centers in the greater Fort Lauderdale area.
There are 23
abortion clinics in Broward County where I live. Over 12,000 preborn children lost
their lives to abortion last year.
As a pastor working
for Hope, I saw abortion through a theological or biblical paradigm. And I began to
pray and fast "Lord birth in my heart your message for the church on the
subject of abortion." As a pastor I had a file of sermons on abortion. But
now that my attention was more narrowly focused on this subject, the Lord
graciously built a message that focused on the spiritual nature of abortion, more
specifically, the spiritual forces behind America's abortion crisis.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12
This evening, I
want to identify the spiritual forces behind abortion, with the prayer that the
Lord will sovereignly move those of us in this room to rise up in support of
the strategic ministry of the Pregnancy Helpline Center in a manner that will
glorify God, and advance the impact of this ministry, in this community, in the
lives of abortion minded and vulnerable men and women and their precious unborn
Last year, in his
pamphlet, Field Manual for Abortion
Ministry, Pastor Rusty Lee Thomas posed these two questions. "What does
Christianity look like in a nation that murders its own children?
"Has the
church failed to be prolife or have we failed to be Christian when it comes to rescuing
our neighbors scheduled to be dismembered?"
I still wrestle
with those questions.
Foundational to
every effort to end abortion and minister hope, healing and restoration to the
post-abortive, is understanding that abortion is first and foremost a spiritual
issue. That makes it a gospel issue. That makes it a church issue. Understanding
this premise is critical to every effort we make to end America's abortion
What is propelling
the worldwide shedding of innocent blood? Who is behind the epidemic of death that
plagues our land? The Biblical evidence would indicate that abortion is a
Satanic enterprise. The stage was set thousands of years ago as recorded in Genesis
3:15. After Satan deceived Adam and Eve and man was plunged into sin, God said
to Satan, "...I will put enmity
between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush
your head, and you will strike his heel." (NIV).
And with that, the epoch struggle between good
and evil began. And Satan has been involved in an unrelenting attempt to kill
the offspring of Eve ever since.
Jesus, Himself,
said as much. John chapter eight records an encounter between Jesus and the
religious leaders of His day. In that heated exchange Jesus said this about the
devil, verse 44,
devil…was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is
no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar
and the father of lies." (NIV)
Here Jesus identifies two roles of Satan: A murderer from
the beginning and a liar and the father of lies. How successful has the Devil
been in fulfilling this job description?
It is estimated
that every year between 40 and 50
million pre-born children are killed by abortion worldwide. That's about one in
five pregnancies. (AGI “In Brief”,
October 2007)
A study released in
2013 estimated there were 1.72 BILLION abortions worldwide in the previous forty
years. That is an average of 117,800
per day for 40 years. (Dr. Brian
Clowes, director of education and research at Human Life International
Lifenews.com 04-01-13)
Jesus said, as recorded in John 10:10, "The
thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." The Devil has been very
successful in carrying out his agenda to exterminate human life.
Satan is also a liar and the father of lies. Deception proliferates in the abortion
industry. In fact it would be accurate to say that deception characterizes the abortion
Listen to these
words of an abortion clinic counselor: "Although
the test is positive, you shouldn't
consider yourself pregnant," she
explained. "It's really just cells
dividing at this point. We can take care of the problem quickly and easily, and
you'll never have to think about it again.” She made four
statements. Each statement was a lie. Her words embody the mantra of the
abortion industry.
Deception also
involves withholding the truth. One
study of post-abortive women revealed that, “Even though the majority felt
rushed and uncertain, 67% received no
counseling; 79% were not told about alternatives to abortion.”(VM Rue
et. al., Medical Science Monitor)
Do you see the
critical role the Pregnancy Helpline Center plays in your community as it
communicates the truth about life in the womb and the dangers of abortion? We
live in a culture of death in which deception on this subject is rampant.
Spiritual deception leads to moral schizophrenia, which
has paralyzed the minds of millions of those at risk for abortion As Pastor
Randy Alcorn has pointed out, “In America it is illegal to harm your
pre-born child, but it is perfectly legal to kill him.”
The Devil is “a
murderer" and “a liar and father of lies.” These two attributes expose him
as the Architect of Abortion.
The Biblical record reveals even more shocking truth regarding
the spiritual backdrop of abortion. We trace the ancient origin of child
killing back to Molech worship. Molech was a god of the Ammonites the
descendants of Lot. Molech was a fertility god whose worship included child
sacrifice. This is what God said, about Israel's participation in child
sacrifice, "And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to me and
sacrificed them as food to the idols…You slaughtered my children and sacrificed
them to the idols.” (Ezekiel 16:20-21)
King Solomon built the first high place for the worship
of Molech. Subsequent kings
continued the practice including King Ahaz and King
Manasseh who sacrificed their own children as they led their nation in worship
of this pagan god.
There is a parallel
here with abortion. In Molech worship a child was sacrificed to gain the favor
of the fertility god. In other words, the parents sacrificed something of value
their child, to gain something at a given point in time they considered to be
of greater value. Seeking Molech’s
favor for a good harvest, victory in battle or financial well-being.
Similarly in
abortion, the mother sacrifices the life of her child for something which at
that time is of more value to her than the life of her child: her education, avoiding
personal shame, financial reasons, lifestyle preferences, personal convenience,
her career, birth control, and so forth.
Rusty Lee Thomas, "Though
thousands of years have passed,...the pagan ritual... persists. These ancient
rites continue through clinics established by organizations such as Planned
Parenthood in the abortion industry. The setting has indeed changed, but the
lying message and brutal practice
remains the same. Can you hear its voice today? "You are too young."
"You have to think about your schooling and career." "You cannot
afford a baby." "It will leave stretch marks" ...Moloch and Baal
still whisper, "Give your child to me and all will be well with you."
(Field Manual for Abortion Ministry)
Do you see the spiritual deception?
The Scriptures identify the demonic nature of this child sacrifice in Psalm
106:37,38, "They sacrificed their
sons and their daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and
daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was
desecrated by their blood. "
Note three parallels with abortion today. When we abort
our children we abort our family, our sons, our daughters, our grandchildren.
Secondly, notice, (verse 38). Abortion sheds innocent
blood. Shedding innocent blood is the Biblical term for the unjustified taking of
a human life. Leviticus 17:11 "For the life of a creature is in the blood...it
is the blood that makes atonement for one's life"
This truth is central to the Biblical doctrines of both
incarnation and atonement. Jesus' incarnation was the pre-requisite to His work
of atonement. The writer to the Hebrews understood this, writing, "without the
shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin." (9:22) And the Apostle
Paul wrote, "In him [Christ} we have redemption through his blood, the
forgiveness of sins..." (Ephesians
1:7 NIV) No incarnation - no atonement. Theologically you cannot separate atonement,
our salvation from the sanctity of human life because the life is in the blood.
John Ensor writes "Is there anything more valuable than
human life and the redemption of human life? By virtue of our salvation,
Christians have inherited from God a profound commitment to the sanctity of
life and a devotion to make Christ known. Both come from holding blood (life)
precious." (Innocent Blood, pg.
32) Those serving this community at the Pregnancy Helpline Center are giving
witness to this truth.
Thirdly, "they sacrificed...to demons." (vs. 37)
Roman Catholic theologian, Rev. Thomas Euteneuer writes, "The spiritual
dimension of [abortion] is its systematizing of ritual blood sacrifice to the god of child murder, Moloch.…this
demon appears in many forms and cultures through history (Phoenician,
Carthaginian, Canaanite, Celt, Indian, Aztec ad others) but is always the same
blood thirsty beast that demands the killing of children as his form of
worship." He continues, "The modern abortion industry offers ritual
blood sacrifice to the ancient abortion demon. It is in every way
a demonic religion."
Pre-born children killed by abortion are the casualties of
the war between Heaven and Hell.
Pastor Randy Alcorn has written, "As the devil loved
the sacrifice of children in the ancient heathen cultures, so he loves the
sacrifice of children in our modern culture. Whether children are sacrificed to
a heathen god called Molech or to the god of our own convenience, he does not
care." He continues, "…there are demonic forces behind child killing.
Abortion is Satan's attempt to kill God in effigy by destroying the little ones
created in God's image. We are not dealing here with 'one more social issue,' but
a unique and focused evil in which Satan has deep vested interests…"
Eric Holmberg & Jay Rogers, in their work, Massacre
of Innocence, summarize, "The
spiritual heritage of the Moabites and the Ammonites is passed down to our own
day through abortion. Today the church is fighting against those same
spiritual forces for the very survival of our nation.”
Lest you think that abortion and
the demonic is just ancient history, let me bring you up to date, modern
feminism, witchcraft & abortion. In December of 1985, an article, entitled, "Feminist
Spiritualism and Abortion" appeared in the feminist, Ms. Magazine, written, and I emphasize, by feminists about
"The feminist spirituality movement began to emerge
in the mid-1970s [Roe v. Wade 1973] and has become one of the largest sub-movements within feminism.…to the women in feminist spirituality, witchcraft had
even a more
fundamental meaning. It is a woman's religion, vilified by patriarchal Christianity, and now, finally, reclaimed.”
Eric Holmberg & Jay Rogers comment
on this article, "Much space was
given to goddess worship or
adulation of the various demons associated with child sacrifice (including Isis
and Aphrodite).”
Let me give you just a sampling of the thinking of modern
day feminists. Patricia
Baird-Windle owned three abortion clinics, responsible for 65,000 abortions. In
an interview after retirement she said, "Abortion is a major blessing and
a sacrament in the hands of women..." (The 'Sacrament' of Abortion: An Interview With a Retired
Rev. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, - said the following in a
sermon in 2007, “When a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful
relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a
child; and has access to safe, affordable abortion - there is not a tragedy in
sight - only blessing.”
Psychologist Dr. Ginnette Paris, in her book The Sacrament of Abortion, wrote, "It’s
rare for a woman to choose abortion because in some way she dislikes the fetus.
She sacrifices it for the sake of something she judges at this moment to be
more important, whether it be her existing children…or her own physical,
economic, or psychological survival or
the fate of the planet."
remember what I just shared when comparing abortion to child sacrifice? She
continues, "When abortion is necessary, not only should there be no shame there
should be a new consensus that to have a child who cannot adequately be cared for is shameful…It is not immoral to
choose abortion; it is simply another kind of morality, a pagan one.”
Father Frank
Pavone, commenting on her book writes, "The fact that some defend abortion
as a sacred act should alert us to the depth of the spiritual warfare that is
going on. Abortion has never been merely or even primarily a political issue.
It is a false religion." He
writes of a former abortion clinic security guard who "...after being converted,
admitted why he was angry at pro-life sidewalk counselors: 'You were coming to protest in front of our
church. That clinic was where we conducted our worship.’”
Again, Eric
Holmberg & Jay Rogers, “Witchcraft, as an organized religion, was revived
in Europe and America beginning in the 1950s and 1960s. And finally, goddess
worship has resurfaced in a new 20th century feminist spirituality. And its no
coincidence that abortion today's form of child sacrifice came right along with
it.” (Massacre of Innocence)
The irony, is
that many proponents of abortion understand what much of the church has failed
to understand; the spiritual nature of abortion. This truth has many
implications as to our response
to America's culture of death. Prayer must be the first work of ministry, prayer
and fasting to end abortion. Spiritual
warfare becomes the context in which we minister. When I served as the prayer
coordinator for Fort Lauderdale's first 40 Days for Life I put together a
brochure, Praying to End Abortion. It
is a compilation of Scriptures that I used when praying in front of abortion
clinics. Copies are available in the foyer.
Please never underestimate the part you can have in that regard in the spiritual
warfare on behalf of Helpline's ministry.
We must be
careful not to oversimplify the circumstances of many facing an unplanned
pregnancy. Their needs often demand a practical and compassionate response by
the church. This is another reason why the ministry of the Pregnancy Helpline Center
is so critical.
Over 50% of women who choose abortion feel they have no choice, for many reasons: forced by their mother; persuaded
by husband or boyfriend; loss of family support; (Frederica Mathewes-Green,
Real Choices) The Pregnancy
Helpline Center is a sanctuary
for many in such
The post-abortive
men and women desperately need our help. One study showed that, “65% report symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder they attribute to their abortions.” (VM Rue et, all)
The post abortive
face many emotional problems such as, anxiety/panic, grief/loss, fear of losing
your child, guilt, self-hatred, depression, anger/rage. And behaviors such as:
drug & alcohol abuse, child abuse, promiscuity, over-protective parenting,
eating disorders and inability to bond with children. For millions of
post-abortive in America the root cause of these destructive emotional and
behavioral problems could be an undisclosed and/or unresolved abortion(s) in
their past.
Helpline Center offers help to the post-abortive, collaborating with Tim and
Kristi Hall and their Save One abortion recovery ministry for both men and
The Gospel of
Jesus Christ is the remedy for the guilt, shame, hurt and the emotional and
behavioral problems faced by the post-abortive.
Several years ago
I was on Facebook one Sunday afternoon. A pro-life advocate was having an
online discussion about abortion. A woman came into the discussion, telling us
she had three abortions in her past. Listen to what she went on to post,
consequences to women who have had abortions (and men as well) cut deep into
the soul…The post-abortive women sitting in church on a Sunday morning need to hear about forgiveness for ALL SIN through
Jesus Christ...abortion is not the unforgivable sin so many think it is...women need to
know there is healing and hope in Christ - that they may also forgive
The host asked her about how she was dealing with the loss of her three
children. This was the powerful testimony she shared, “…the fact of the matter is that I don’t
grieve any more. Christ has delivered me from all of the pain through his
healing power! I know that one day I'll stand in heaven finally meeting my
three precious children: David, Rebekah, and Grace Hope!...when they've asked
the Father why they couldn't be with me on earth or why they never knew me
here, He’ll look at them with love and
say, “I don't remember.”
Abortion is a
gospel issue? There is only one remedy for the shedding of innocent blood, the
innocent blood shed on the cross. Jesus died in our place, and He paid the
penalty for our sins, your sin and my sin, any and all sin, the sin of
abortion, the sin of pushing a girlfriend, wife or daughter or granddaughter into
an abortion, the sin of paying for an abortion, the sin of performing an
abortion, the sin of doing nothing to end abortion. It matters not what sin it
is. We can be forgiven and justified, declared righteous in God's sight our sin
no longer being held against us "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
This is the conclusion I have been sharing with the church
for over eight years now. The body of Christ, the church, is the only organism
(institution) spiritually equipped to engage the Satanic forces behind
abortion. Therefore the Church must
take the lead in the efforts to end abortion.
On January 20,
2011, Rev. Flip Benham of Operation Save America issued the following statement
in a
press release.
"...the time is
now, for the Church to rise up and not wait for political parties, or the president,
or Congress, or the Supreme Court to take care of the issue. It is our
responsibility. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.
Abortion will come to an end, when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind
it will come to an end – not a second sooner. The responsibility for ending abortion in
America rests squarely upon the shoulders of the Church of Jesus Christ.” He is
Let me encourage
you. Christ has already won the victory! “For in Christ all the fullness of the
Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is
the head over every power and authority.” (Colossians 2:9-10)
Paul goes on to say,
verse 15, “...having disarmed the powers and authorities, he [God] made a
public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. How do we respond
to 42 years of legalized abortion?
Unashamedly proclaim
the gospel of life; and respond with compassionate and practical help to the
abortion minded and vulnerable, like the Pregnancy Helpline Center is dong in
this community every day that it is open, and some days that it is not open.
Tonight you can partner with this ministry in rescuing unborn
children from the sentence of abortion. It's a sentence of abortion.
The writer of Proverbs, listen to what he says. It's like he wrote this
for today. He said, "Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to
death;" Does that fit? "Don't stand back and let them die. Don't try
to avoid responsibility by saying you didn't know about it." (24:10-12)
Well you do tonight, if you didn't before walking through the doors.
Remember the
question that I posed earlier from Rusty Lee Thomas, "What does
Christianity look like in a nation that murders its own children?" "Has
the church failed to be prolife or have we failed to be Christian when it comes
to rescuing our neighbors scheduled to be dismembered?"
You can help answer that questions tonight. That's
what you're here for, with a generous gift and a pledge to help Helpline Center
in their ministry.
John Ensor wrote the following in his book Innocent Blood, "The commands of
Scripture exist that we might be compelled to do what does not come
naturally." Ever found that true in your life? Boy, I do almost every day.
In Luke chapter
ten Jesus helped a lawyer understand what it meant to love his neighbor. He was
evidently hung up on exactly what that looked like. So he asked Jesus, "Who
his my neighbor?"
So Jesus told the
story of a man on his way to Jericho from Jerusalem who was robbed and beaten and
left half dead alongside the road. Three different individuals had the
opportunity to come to his rescue, in all likelihood to save his life.
Two of the three did
not respond to the needs of the man bleeding by the side of the road. The two that
did not respond to the man in distress were the church leaders of that day, a
priest and a Levite, responsible for the spiritual care of their nation. And
Jesus points out that not only did they fail to respond but they "passed
by on the other side." In other words they purposefully distanced
themselves from the needs of the dying man.
Jesus then pointed
out that the one who proved to be the neighbor to the dying man was the one who showed mercy to the badly
beaten traveller. He then said, "Go and do likewise."
Friends, tonight we have the opportunity to "Go and do
likewise." John Ensor, in his book Innocent Life, defines "Samaritan compassion" this
'Doing right in the sight of the Lord means
acting to stop the shedding of innocent blood. The only person in Jesus’ parable who is
pro-life according to the demands of love is the Samaritan. Only he was willing
to make the nearly dead man’s
problem his own. Only he was willing to see the victim’s
suffering as his own. Only he was willing to act according to what he would
cry out for if their positions had been reversed."
There were 27,629 abortions reported in state of Michigan in 2014, over
1,100 of them in Saint Joseph and the counties contiguous to your county, the
ones surrounding your county. Elevenhundred They were your neighbors.
Tonight, through
your support of the Pregnancy Helpline Center you have an opportunity to
respond in a very practical and compassionate way to help stop the violent
death of unborn children in your community, and to reach out to abortion minded and vulnerable men and women. Children
will die unless someone intervenes on their behalf. In
other words, you have an opportunity to "go and do likewise!"
According to
Jesus' parable, our salvation has a moral imperative built into it with regards
to the needs of those around us, our neighbors. The Pregnancy Helpline Center is
where the truth about abortion and the truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ
are confronting the lies of hell itself.
It is where the
Church, the Body of Christ, is intervening in the lives of men and women often at a very
critical time in their lives, when they need love, compassion and the gospel of
life; at a time when, literally, life and death decisions are being made regarding
their unborn children. Again, John Ensor, "Loving my neighbor will occasionally arrest
me, and maybe even require me to help prevent someone from being murdered."
You can help tonight.
The Ask (transcribed):
The cards that are on your table, they 're in a manila envelope. Will
you take them out, please. Table host see that each one gets one. Here's what I
want you to do. I'm going to walk you through this real quickly. It will just take
just a few minutes.
But on the flap of the card, on the back side, there is a place for your
name, your address, your phone number. Would you please just take a moment
right now to fill that out; your name, your address and your phone number. And if you have an email address, wouldn't you
welcome an email address, Ms. Executive Director? Would you welcome them
putting their email address down. Yes. That would be an awesome way to
communicate with you. So name, address, quickly, if you'll just write that
down, your phone number and email address. I've already filled mine out.
I want you to know that God wants to use you tonight. When you turn that
flap up and look inside, the inside of that flap, I want you to notice the
first section. It says, "Enclosed is my gift in the amount of," and
you can fill the blank in.
Here's what I want to challenge you, three things tonight, to do, once
you've filled in your name and address. I want you to consider giving a onetime
gift tonight. You can make the check out to Pregnancy Helpline Center, or if
you are not prepared to give a onetime gift tonight with a check, you can go
home and go online to pregnancyhelpline.org and you can donate online with your
credit card. But I hope that even in this moment as I'm speaking you ask God,
"God would you have me to share a one time gift?"
Remember Dawn shared the vision of the theater, six months worth, six
months worth of advertisements preceding every film that will be shown in those
six theaters here locally. It's going to
cost $4,200. Okay, $700 a month times six. I believe there are people in this
audience that could write a check out for $4,200 tonight.
I encourage you to prayerfully ask, "God what do you want me to
do?" You know in 2 Corinthians eight Paul was collecting an offering. Do
you remember that passage? And he, he appealed to the church at Corinth to
participate in that offering. And his whole comments are in the context of
God's grace. In fact he used the Macedonians as an example to the Corinthian
church. He said look at them, they were poor and suffering terribly. But you
know what he says...they begged to give an offering for Paul to take to
Jerusalem. And then he says they gave generously and they gave joyfully beyond
their means. And then Paul says, and I'm sharing this challenge with you
tonight, what Paul said to them. He said, I appeal to you that you excel in
this gracious act of giving. So will you consider giving a onetime gift tonight?
Secondly, if you look at the next section there it says, "I want to
pledge my support in the amount of:" and again you can fill in the amount.
Let me share this challenge with you. Everyone in this room lives in a home
where you have monthly bills, right? Some of you pay a mortgage. Some of you
pay rent. Comes due every month. Property taxes, electric bills, water bills,
telephone, heating oil, the list goes on, every month. You write the check out
or go onto you bank account online like I do most of mine and hit bill pay and you
pay all these bills every month. Well guess what? Helpline Center does the same
thing. Every month they've got a heating bill to pay. They've got waste
management to pay. They have a staff salary to pay. You know where I'm going
with this. Insurance; a bigger insurance liability policy now because of the
ultrasound machine; I don't now if Dawn mentioned that or not but that's the
reality. So they have monthly needs. And the greatest blessing you can be to
this center is to be monthly sending them some money, because then they have an
even cash flow and are not operating in crisis mode from month to month because
the money's there; because you have been faithful in loving your neighbors here
in this community.
And again Paul addresses this in 2 Corinthians 9, where he said, "I
don't want you to give reluctantly, I don't you to give because of
pressure," but he says, "I want you to give a gift." And what he
says is appropriate to making a pledge. He says, "And God will generously provide
all you need. You know that when you make a pledge to this ministry, you don't
have to pledge based on what you have, you have to pledge based on what you
know God has. And God will give through you. Trust me, if in obedient faith
tonight you make a pledge.
And I did a little calculation. I was told there'd be, well I was here
yesterday as they were setting up and I counted 304 seats. Let's just say for
sake of illustration we divide that in half saying that there’re many married
couples here. Let's say there are 150 giving units here tonight. I'd like to
think that everybody here could participate in some way. And if 150 units gave
$20 a month, that's $3,000 a month $36,000 a year.
Now some of you can give more than that. You give fifty a month. Wouldn't even miss it. Wouldn't need to make a
faith pledge. You got it. Some of you can't. In faith maybe you could. I've
made many pledges not knowing where the money would be and I haven’t defaulted on
one yet because God always sent the money in over the twelve months. He'll do
that for you. Giving is a grace if you're a believer. And God wants to bless
you and He wants to bless this ministry.
He goes on to say, "And God will generously provide all you
need." Now listen, "then you will always have everything you need and
plenty left over to share with others." I'm just reading the Scriptures to
The third thing I want you to do is go back to where you filled out your
name. Our director spoke tonight of the need for volunteers. Volunteers are the
indispensible component of every pregnancy resource center I've ever been
associated with or known of, critical. And she gave you the invitation. I just
want you to do this. If you are interested or think you might be interested in
volunteering, will you write word "volunteer" underneath where you
put your name and address. Just write the word volunteer and then put a check
mark by it and that way Dawn can be in contact with
you at the appropriate time to begin a dialogue with you as to how God
might want to use you in the ministry.
Again, thank you for being here. I hope you've been encouraged. God is
on the throne.
He's won the victory. He wants to win this battle. It's a gospel issue.
It's a church issue.
So let's rise up. Let's serve God. Let's bless this ministry tonight.
After you've finished your check writing, whatever you're doing, would you put
them back, hosts, those hosts in your table, see that they get back into that
envelope so that whoever is responsible for picking them up can pick them up.
Thank you very much for your attention.
© James P McGarvey All Rights
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